I natt så jeg svære bølger slå inn over Norge. De begynte som små krusninger ute til havs, for så å bygge seg opp og slå inn over land. Bølgene var mørke og hadde stor og ødeleggende virkning.
Drømmen eller det nattlige synet sitter ennå i kroppen, og jeg drives til å be i denne skjebnetid for Norges land og folk.
Det er andre gangen jeg har en slik drøm om uhellssvangre bølger som slår inn over land. Når jeg sto opp i dag morges blir jeg minnet om Elihus ord fra Job 33,14-16: "Men èn gang taler Gud, ja to ganger hvis mennesket ikke akter på det. I drømmer, i syner om natten, når dyp søvn faller på menneskene, når de slumrer på sitt leie, da åpner han deres ører og trykker sitt segl på advarselen til dem."
Jeg kan ikke si annet enn: Be! Be for Norge!
12 kommentarer:
Kan jeg få komme med et spørsmål litt utenom temaet i den siste bloggen din.
Her kommer en hel del som perler på en snor, så det kan være vanskelig og fordøye alt.
Temaet er alvorlig nok!
Kan jeg få komme med et spørsmål angående noen uttalelser om Luther, som jeg har sett på denne bloggen og en annen blogg.
Det handler om uttalelser som gir Luther skylden for splittelsen av kirken ved reformasjonen, uten at noen har gått noe inngående inn på det, bare en påstand i forbifarten.
Og at fruktene av reformasjonen har vist at den ikke holder/ holdt mål.
Men kan man legge skyld på Luther og reformasjonen for det?
Det har tros alt gått noen år siden.
Det som eg ikke klarer og svelge helt, er det totale fraværet av en kritisk holdning til hva den RKK sto for og hva den var på det tidspnkt, som reformasjonen oppsto.
Den råtnet vel på rot på det tidspnkt.!
I beg. var vel Luther fortsatt katolikk og ønsket og å peke på misbruk av avlat o.a. åpenbare ubibelske holdninger og gjerninger.
Gjennom det har kristne fått bibelen til egen lesing og oppbyggelse.
Hvordan kan en så lettvint avfeie det?
Har ikke fått noe godt svar, bare hørt denne påstanden eller anklagen om at Luther er skyld i en splittelse, har ikke splittelser forekommet alltid?
Som sagt så savner jeg en mer inngående forklaring på hvorfor, var ikke RKK selv skyld i splittelsen ved sin ugudelighet og arroganse?
Jeg ser at Gud brukte Luther i den situasjonen og dermed ga oss bibelen til egen lesing og oppbygging, det er en tid for alt står det i bibelen.
Riktignok blir det også sagt, han gjorde en del bra, ja, ganske inngående vil jeg påstå, gjennom sine studier i Guds Ord.
Wenche J.
Det er grusomt og uvirkelig å følge med på utviklingen i Norge. Om jeg bare hadde ord å be med. Alt jeg klarer å si er: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! når jeg følger med i media og ser utviklingen. Det finnes ingen tilgivelse for det vi påfører den oppvoksende slekt, våre barn og unge, gitt av Herren.
Jeg tror samhold for troende er viktig i denne tid. At vi på ny kan bli ett slik det var på apostlenes tid. De troende delte alt og elsket hverandre. Der lå deres styrke.
Vil be om sann enhet og at herren reiser opp vektere og gir oss alle nåde til å stå i denne tid. Vi trenger det virkelig.
Morten Tobiaz
Ikväll,så ska Birgit och jag träffas på en fin och och härlig plats,där det finns en utekyrka.Jag tror att jag skickade ett kort till dej nu senast och det var ett Ställe som heter Lövudden.Det är en staty på kortet som håller sina armar uppsträckta i bön!
Dit ska vi och be,och jag lovar att vi ska be för Norge!
Jag tänker på det jag skrev senast i din blogg,om att vi nu måste be,och åter be för våra Länder!
Jag hörde igår,när jag var på bön i kyrkan,att det börjar att växa opp den ena muslimska mosken efter den andra.Och det runt våran pingstkyrka.Den förra pingstkyrkan,vet du vad det har blivit av den?Jo det har blivit en moske.Så det var en broder där på bön,som verkligen tog upp detta,och bad mot det! JA AMEN!GUD HÖR BÖN!
Och jag tror att Gud letar efter de sina som är villiga att stå fasta i Tron när Stormarna kommer,ja som är villiga att gå den "gamla Bönevägen" Guds Välsignelse!
Ja, la oss be for Norge! La oss også be for Sverige og Skandinavia!
Solveig Leithaug Henderson har skrevet denne sangen:
Trange fjordar, trauste fjell
Fiska torsk ein sommarkveld
Flagget vaiar vakkert akter
I raudt og kvitt og blått
Når eg midt i det ser korset
Må eg tenka; ”Å, eg har det godt
Som kjenner Deg det minnar om.
Må Du velsigna landet vårt.”
Eg ber for Norge
Kjære Jesus, la det skina over Norge
La lys frå himmelen koma ned
Eg ber for Norge
Kjære Jesus, la det skina over Norge
La lys frå himmelen koma ned over oss
Kvite hus i trange smau
Nokre ungar hoppar tau
Byens hornmusikk har øving
Snart er det 17.mai
Når eg høyrer at dei spelar
”Gud signe vårt dyre fedreland”
minnar det meg om å be Deg
Gud, hald oss i Di store hand
Eg ber for Norge
Kjære Jesus, la det skina over Norge
La lys frå himmelen koma ned
Eg ber for Norge
Kjære Jesus, la det skina over Norge
Lys frå himmelen
Nådesol som smeltar hjerter
Så me kjenner kven Du er
Som tiner hender som vil bryta grenser ned
Så Dine barn kan saman prisa Deg
Som enno elskar Norge
Og ber for Norge....
Herre, reis opp din bønnehær!
Dette er veldig langt, men det forteller hva som kommer. Profetien kom til Miriam Franklin i september 2007. Allerede har en del av det begynt å skje.
This is a long post, because of the detailed warnings I was given over a course of weeks. If people cannot be bothered to read the full prophecy, to sum it all up, I understand God is saying that multiple terror attacks are coming against the UK and the USA.
God is calling both the UK and the USA to repent that lives may be spared. The UK attacks can be averted, I believe in their entirity by repentance and prayer. I do not think the US attacks can be averted, (multiple attacks planned for cities across the nation) however I do think the scope of their severity and their magnitude can be lessened by prayer and repentance. People can also be forewarned to make adequate preparations.
I have seen the following visions about terror attacks over the course of the past few weeks. I have seen this detail in multiple visions over many days and nights. I have sought God’s face on this to get more clarification and been given more detail, clarity and confirmation. Some specific detail, dates and locations I do not think right to be posted on the internet at this time, although I will pass it onto the appropiate parties.
For the past three weeks, prior to publically posting this prophecy on the internet, I have tried to raise awareness and utilise contacts to get this prophecy out ‘there’ to the key people who I thought needed to see it, while deferring making this known to the public. However the people I have contacted so far have shown they cannot be trusted and will not take this where it needs to go. I am done waiting for them, and as I feel the public needs to be warned in order to be informed and to prepare, I have now posted this.
The Visions - (the first section is for Britain, the latter section for the USA)
In a vision, I saw an apple tree with a wooden ‘border’ fence going around its bottom – as well as acting as a fence, it was a bit like a container at the base to support the tree. It was no more than a short fence surrounding the bottom of a tree though, going less than a third of the way up the trunk. I heard it specifically called a ‘border’ in the vision.
I then saw a naughty boy going scrumping (‘scrump’ = ‘stealing apples’). The boy came to steal apples from the tree and he used a ladder to get to the apples. (He was very organised though, and more wicked than ‘naughty’, and it was almost as if he ‘lay seige’ to the tree as the ladder was brought to the tree like those wheeling towers an enemy uses to attack castle walls). Because the boy reached the apples from a height, so the border was zero defence to protect the fruit in that instance.
‘The border will surely not protect the fruit, if the fruit is reached from the air.’ I felt God say.
As I pondered on the meaning of this vision, I suddenly thought of national borders and missiles attacking from the air - 9/11 type terrorism stuff. Surely not, Lord, I said, not again! The more I prayed though (then and subsequentally), the more convinced I was that this was the correct interpretation to the vision.
Tighter border control (‘on the ground’) against aliens/terrorists would be zero real defence against an attack from the air.
‘Surely only the Lord can truly protect the tree from the air,’ I thought.
I then saw a huge white angel (white = an angel of the Lord), and this angel layed down alongside a city. One of its huge wings deliberately went across the whole city and covered it over.
‘When they come scrumping, as they do in Autumn…‘ it was impressed on me. Apples become ripe ready for picking in autumn in England and this is the traditionally the time boys go on their raids for apples in cider orchards. This was the time for danger for attack. (I assume this autumn, 2007, but that is my assumption rather than a direct revelation).
I saw a golf course and the first putt hole with the ‘1’ flag in it for a game of golf, and I understand this is to do with the first ‘shot’/the first attack of multiple shots fired. There was not just to be one ‘hit’ but multiple hits.
I saw a guitar shape leaning against the apple tree at an odd angle, leaning left to right against the trunk at maybe a 45% degree angle slightly side on – this was just like the boy’s ladder with which he used to steal the apples – and I felt the interpretation of this was that this guitar/aka this ladder resembled the place relevant to this terror attack.
The next night, I realised that God was drawing my attention to a certain area of Westminster, Central London. London is at risk from a terrorist attack from the air, I realised, and I was certain of it with great conviction in my spirit.
I then saw a vision of a Muslim Butcher holding a large knife in each hand and he was sharpening the knives (knives being symbolic for weapons) against each other – clink, clink went the blades. (The ‘butcher’ symbolises someone who murders people in the ‘butcher’ barbaric sense.) There were several dark knives (dark meaning weapons for evil purposes) to be used against London. I was told this several times in the vision so am sure of it, as it was underlined for me by God.
I saw the ‘15th’ very clearly as a relevant date somehow.
Then the butcher drew a sword from a black scabbard and I heard the noise of the steel blade as the sword was drawn. I saw a Crescent moon - representing the Moslem World – and I saw black night clouds like smoke darkening this moon, obscuring it - meaning darkness and poison coming from Islamic extremes. This then became a crescent moon shaped cutlass sword waved by a one eyed man who I saw as a ‘Prince of Persia’ ‘type’. He was dressed with a turban and baggy paints and I thought he represented the spiritual entitity pushing this attack, and driving it forward against the West.
I then saw ”Persian” money draining away funding this economy of war/terrorism.
I saw three targets, one I was told was ‘the heartland’ and I saw it rippling out like an epicentre of an earthquake (looking up on maps later this map shape looked like Greater London).
What is the time? I heard in the vision. I looked and I saw 3.15 pm on a city gent’s watch (I thought at the time this may mean 3 targets on the 15th rather than a literal time of day) and Big Ben was behind me and the bridge beside it – the typical London postcard view – a symbol for London city.
I see a tall building fall down to the ground, somewhere that sat by blue water behind it.
I see apples rolling out of a basket one by one, and becoming black as they rolled out of it – each apple was a target in a line of other places (= apples) to destroy.
I saw a flaming sword flying through the air. It was a weapon heading to the UK sent by Islamists. It was on fire and like a fireball.
I saw the flag of the USA and the UK joined together into one single flag (USA was at the top) and the bottom bit (UK) was all tattered and ripped from an explosion – I understood this meant the UK would be attacked because of the union/alliance with America - I then saw this tattered UK flag bit turn into or merge with the EU flag. (This may mean a future UK merger with Europe with a much greater surrender of British Sovereignty and control almost forced on the UK as a reaction to the attacks/feelings of insecurity etc.).
I saw a firelighter (those wax fat cubes things you put on coal fires) on the flaming sword - which I understood to be an incendiary device on the weapon.
In a vision I am over London, looking down from the air (from the location where I believe the terror attack is directed to) and I see a (symbolic) church steeple representing the main church in London. The steeple is reaching to the heavens but it is falling far short in height in this vision. It (the church as a whole in London - not just Westminister Abbey or the Church of England) is not truly reaching out to me, says God, or yielding to me (not reaching to heaven in a Tower of Babel sense through works, but reaching up to God with open hearts) - the steeple is found much too short by God – it is lacking. The people do not have clean hands, hearts or tongues and have decietful and lying eyes. They have haughty and proud eyes.
‘London, you with your haughty eyes think you need me not, but I will bring you to rubble, to ashes. Then will you wail and your daughters will cry out for mercy.’
I see weeping London-based Moslem women dressed in black (acid in their tears from bitterness but also I think their eyes streaming from chemicals) - they shall wail for what the other Moslems will do to London.
I see a train that has been derailed and it is lying on its side (or at least one of its carraiges is) and I hear a helicopter overhead. I see smoke rising and there is so much silence but for the chopper surveying the scene. Feeling of disbelief, no commentary, just pictures shown on TV like when something is so shocking, words cannot express it. It seems oddly quiet given the carnage. I think this may be connected to the London docklands area somehow but am not specifically told this. I know it is London though. Smoke is rising from the scene, of a dark grey/black colour, but also I see yellow smoke – symbolising to me chemical warfare. There is a horizontal red stripe all along the outside of the train carraige (so it is not a normal British Rail blue, grey and yellow train).
I then see a pet dog representing the Battersea Dog’s Home area which I felt was connected with the attack somehow.
‘Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, The city of our God the holy place…’ Yet London has not been a holy place and their deeds testify to this against them. I see cockney Londoners sheltering in the underground tube stations during the 2nd world war, being chirpy and chipper despite the German attacks, but this (attack) will not be the same, this will break their spirits in a way the Germans never did.
‘Like a bird from the skies it came
With wings unfurled
And then it swooped down
And like an iron sceptre dashed the ground’
I see rats scuttling away nervously surveying some rubbish/trash – so there are ‘rats’ who may be blamed for this - two rats I see specifically. One I see as a fat-faced breathless middle aged grey-haired man, breathless and bloated, puffing and panting, full of talk but very weak when push came to shove.
One (or the same one shown differantly) is the figurative ‘John Bull’, wearing Union Jack trousers: a round man with short legs and a top hat, who goes running to hail (wave to/beckon) another country to make an alliance. He carries a black baton/mandate in his hand (black means wrong/evil/ungodly) that she, the UK, was never authorised to give which causes this carnage - (I do not specifically see who the other country are in the vision, but I think it is ‘Uncle Sam’ = the USA).
I see a fruit market much like Covent Garden. The fruit has not been turned over in the boxes to look at the underside to see if it is bad or not and so there is a whole tray of rotten apples/fruit – there is ‘bad fruit’ because it was not examined properly. This carnage is the ‘bad fruit’ – fruit being in the biblical meaning of consequences or payback for deeds done.
I see a swimming pool, marked with six competition lanes, with bobbled ropes marking the lanes for a swimming gala, and there are big black numbers at the end of each lane. In the end lane, in lane 6, is a swimmer celebrating victory in the competition. He punches the air in victory and then holds aloft a silver cup decorated with ribbons and asks for applause, yet he has been the only swimmer in this contest – he has had no competition, it is no real contest/it is fake yet he celebrates like a champion and claims victory as if he had reason to be proud. (I think this may be to do with the ‘fake’ Iraqi war when viewed in the rest of the visions’ context of angering the Moslems and the bad fruit from it.)
I see a lemon being squeezed by a large hand (not God’s, but the hand of a nation or nations) - and the lemon becomes as a hand grenade too in this hand - and as it is squeezed the juice is bitter and spurts out angrily in all directions as a consequence. (I understand this to mean that a people is ‘squeezed’ and gets bitter and will thus react angrily by attacking/spurting out in all directions, and we will get bitter and acidic lemon juice in our eyes (acid = chemical weapon?) as payback for ‘squeezing’ them).
I see a lorry being unloaded from the rear with ‘knock off’ gear, so the nation has somehow been led astray with knock off/fake ‘things’/half truths etc
I see a dog as in the one I saw representing Battersea Dogs Home, with a hurt paw and the lemon juice being squeezed into its paw to make it sting…..
I see the UK nation’s wealth being squandered (by government). I see a maths equation not adding up/making sense as the true figures are not revealed, or the plus or minus or divided sign is taken out, something is concealed, so it does not all add up and make sense.
I see a large chunky library book being taken down (in order to be hidden/concealed) from a ‘high place’ in the British national libraries – symbolical for knowledge about government or the nation’s ‘high places’ - so there is knowledge being withheld from the people, and instead of the truth they are fed a flimsy pamphlet of ’spin’ - there is a lack of political integrity, acountability and balance. I see people dining on fast food junk instead of real meals – (meals = knowledge/words of truth). There is a lack of knowledge and real truth being fed to them.
I see a reed of corn being bent in a harvest field against the autumn sunset - although bowing heavily and bent right over it is not completely broken or snapped (pp ‘a bruised reed I will not break’). Although England is (or will be) struggling it will not be broken completely says the Lord. There will be a harvest after these days (of trial). They will mourn, be shocked, yet they will reach to me says the Lord. See, I have allowed this to befall your children (children = not as in our future ancestors but as in the nation’s inhabitants). It is an inheritance for them. They will know that is I who have done this.
God disciplines an unruly child, yet Britain you have tugged and strained on the leash like an angry bulldog (bulldog = symbol for Britian). You have bullied and snarled and threatened and replaced righteousness for greed and pride. (You have been protected by God from much til now but…) ‘Who dares bark at the bulldog?’ (the UK asks boastfully) ‘I do!’ says the Lord. ‘See here what I am about to do, what I have planned. Listen carefully…. perhaps you will learn something. Your pride cannot save you. Nor your planning or plotting, your whispering in secret, or your bribes. None can save you but me. Do you wish to hear what I have to say? Shut your lips and listen like a blind man.’
‘There was a baker. He prepared three trays of bakery goodies and he covered them with flour. Yet one tray he withheld raisons and other sweetmeats from, and he concealed this deed to make it look the exact same as the other baking that did have raisons and so on in. He short-changed/cheated the one who took this tray of baking. So with you, Britain. You have robbed and cheated and short-changed (a nation or perhaps nations) and this is payback time from God.’
Holy is the Lord, mighty in power, majestic in splendour. I will have no part of your foul deeds! See I spit you from my mouth, you taste disgusting! I will not be shortchanged, for you shortchange me! (I saw that Britain’s treatment many years ago of Ireland for instance was wrong. Note that God sometimes punishes a nation several generations later for the sins of a previous generation eg: King Ahab’s evil deeds led to the captivity of the Israelites, but the captivity did not actually occur til the fourth generation after King Ahab, and one of these four generations was the very godly King Josiah. There are other examples too like this in the Bible. Punishment can be deferred down the generations and we can be punished for the sins of our ‘fathers’ as well as our own generation’s sins.)
I see a mechanic in a garage working under a car bonnet, looking for the connections/wires to fix the car and start the motor but the wires or connection is not there. God said, ‘Britain lacks power for I will withhold the connection wires from you, so you will be as lost’.
I see a crescent moon in the sky - the people of the crescent (Islam) will bring you Britain to your knees. (because of the way you have treated other nations etc).
Question: (from me) Can this catastrophe (London’s) be averted by repentance?
A: I see a vision of a rubbish dump piled high and the stench rises high to the sky, so does Britain’s sins pile high and stink before God.
Q: I know it is much sin, but what if the government was to repent and do right (like King Josiah did), and England was to call a day of repentance or something - not that I think it would happen - but if they did as the people of Nineveh did and humbled themselves and prayed, would you then change your mind?
A: I again saw the angel lying down beside the city and placing his wing to cover over the city. This time its steps were slow and considered, it seemed sad and mournful. It could be life and it could be death. It could be protection or it could be mourning. (As I write, I am reminded of the vision I had a few weeks ago, where I saw a white sheet drop down from the heavens and cover over a whole city - I did not know which city at the time - this sheet was like the cloth they put on dead bodies in the morgue, so a city would be shrouded like this in death by a disaster/catastrophe of some sort).
Q: So it is not too late? As some things you say to the prophets in the Bible are a certainity, like the captivity to Babylon - King Josiah for all his righteousness could not avert that, he could only save himself from it?
A: The Lord loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Perhaps he will relent, perhaps he will turn the seas away. (I see a vision of King Canute rebuking the sea back.)
Q: It is true King Canute (‘king’ symbolises the government) could not turn back the tide by his own command, but you Oh Lord, you are mighty indeed. The seas and the winds obey you. They hear your voice. If this weapon is flying through the winds which are subject to you, then perhaps you can change the winds, or turn back the ‘waves’ to avert this disaster.
A: There is still a price.
Q: But oh God, may that price be as small as possible, in your great mercy may lives be spared.
A: And their (spared) lives - these Londoners – will then be going about their business, and go on in ignorance and arrogance not honouring me?
Q: But what can we do that they may honour you? Perhaps the UK government can promote Christian freedom of expression (which I had a feeling there is governmental plotting to inhibit or something behind closed doors). They should allow your church to preach the gospel boldly (and oh that your church may actually obey when given the opportunity by going out and preaching it!)
A: Don’t think I’m happy with my church (as per the whole church in UK - all denominations). I saw among other things its lukewarmness, compromise, the Church of England’s ungodly embrace of interfaith stuff, the archbishop of Canterbury whirling around like a whirling derwish as he embraced wrongful things, there was new age and occultic nonsense in the church, and homosexual vicars, and pontificating intelligensia theology and little true worship. (That’s just some of it!)
Q: That you would truly revive them Lord, to know and love you and serve you. To fear the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. That is what this country has lost, fear of God.
A: Britian does not fear me. Fear God or fear your enemy as great is his anger against you! He is like an angry lion seeking to devour you (pp Satan, yet I see several lions.) Shall I give you to the roaring lions (Satan’s agents) because you do not fear me? Q: No!A: Choose one - fear me, or fear your enemies. Walk in righteousness, or walk humbled with a yoke around your necks dressed in black mourning clothes and carrying a coffin (death) as your yoke. I see the mourners have hollow and black bruised eyes from weeping.
Q: Let us raise the cross in this land - I see people winching it from the ground upwards off a rubble bomb site - that all may see and all may love you.
I asked God again: shall this disaster happen?
A: I see a vision of a Jewish person putting on a black skull cap on his head. This represents recognition of sin, repentance and mourning, and also represents recognising the authority or ‘headship’ of God over oneself.
Q: May Britain do this, Oh God! Become a Christian nation that truly fears you! Oh for a modern day Josiah and a modern day people too, who will tear down their idols and walk after you with humbleness of heart. Can you do this, O Lord? It is true that the teaching of the ‘law’ of righteousness has been ‘lost’ to this generation (through lack of preaching it and spiritual compromise and spiritual adultery etc). How can the nation hear it? How can they therefore repent if they do not hear it? How can the message reach them from a lukewarm, fearful and compromised church (me included as I am aware of my failings too). Without the message, how can repentance ensue? Who will tell this nation Oh Lord? (I felt my inadequacy). Who will show them their need? How will they hear? Is there any hope?
A: I am reminded of Elijah’s answering by fire on Mount Carmel which brought repentance and the people’s minds and hearts back to their God.
Q: How do we show them Oh God that you are the one that answers by fire? That you are God? A great miracle to bring the nation to you? Could it be us vs Baal (Islam)? That you will protect us by divine intervention through diverting weapons or whatever in a terror attack? (As in the Glasgow airport bomb that did not go off)? Lord, if that is the case, may your name be stamped all over it that people will know it is not just a coincidence/luck when viewed through their apathy. They must know it is you. People use the word ‘miracle’ so glibly, they do not fall to their knees and acknowledge your working.
A: There will be some who will not believe (just as in Jesus’ days on earth) but some will believe and seek me with open hearts,
Q: May that be the case! Whether it be 1, 100, 100,000 or one million (or more), let that be the case!
A: I see churches fall to bursting but the crowds do not last/fall away. (Good preaching of repentance and godly living is essential to disciple them, not just quasi conversions.)
Q: I hope it is not boom and bust like that (it was in the Old Testament revivals), but even if it were like that, the people are still given every chance.
A: Yes, every chance. (God said sadly)
Q. What now Oh Lord, who do I take this message to? Who will believe me? You gave Moses a sign you were with him with the snake and the leprous hand, how much more do I need your help in this day!
A: Go, for I will be with you. Shout it from the rooftops. (I see someone doing this with a megaphone in the dark).
Q: ‘Who wants to shout in the dark?’ I said thinking this very strange and foolish. It must be therefore wrong to shout it out! ‘Who will then hear?’
A: These are dark days indeed, but go, for I am with you. See I put my seal on your hands (hands = the words of this vision as I was writing this by hand with pen and paper, and seal = trueness of the words/God’s signature). It is the truth, proclaim it.
I see a wedding feast (pp the gospels where they invite people to the banquest), but many do not want to come. They are invited and are intentionally rebellious by refusing the invites. They think they have no need of me (God) in a modern world, life is OK for them. So I (God) will extend the invitation once again when they do feel the need (with threat of or occurence of disaster).
Q: Though I know it is not at all true, people will accuse you of cruelty, Oh God.
A: It is my hand that holds back disasters befalling them, that gives them good things and rains from heaven, yet they do not want to know me. They yell at me to remove my hand, they demand it, yet when I do and disaster comes they call me cruel?!
They think by their own works they live and breathe etc yet they cannot animate even an ant! Surely they can do nothing without me. They need me yet deny me. I will remove my protection from this stiff-necked people and then perhaps they will see the error of their way and repent and see their need. See what I do with the sea. I can hold back the ‘waters’ from your nation. My word - command (as per King Canute’s) - can bring you blessing and peace. Choose peace. (I see weapons being beaten to agricultural tools (to collect the harvest of souls) if you choose right. I will be your king and you will be my people.
Q: Lord, lead them out with dancing, with gladness and praise for great are your works and mighty are your deeds and you hold back the ’sea’ (the Red Sea and also as in King Canute rebuking the sea/disaster). Nothing compares with you Oh God. Nothing.
I saw the Britiannia figure pushing against a large number ‘2′ and knocking it over and also 2 twin girls – I understand this to mean that there are twin attacks planned on the UK and the USA by the Moslems. The UK (with God’s help) can push their attack over through prayer and repentance. It must be on the understanding that Britannia does not rule the waves as she loves to boast, God alone does (remember King Canute) and it is He that will turn back/thwart these terrorist attacks if the nation calls out to Him. It is through prayer and repentance that ‘Britiannia’ can push this over - nothing else.
In the 2nd world war they held a national day of prayer and God did far more than it could then imagine with a true miracle turning back Hitler, making the English Channel quiet etc for the landings etc. God did not just hold back the Nazis though but he also gave Britain a bumper harvest. Many also acknowledged how it was a miracle from God and nothing else, even the politicians. God is awesome, He can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. God can put the ‘Great’ back into Great Britian again if we but let him. Britain, give God a chance.
‘Oh my Lord, you are so kind, morning by morning day by day, you reveal your righteous ways….It’s your kindness that leads to repentance, your love that brings forgiveness, in your mercy we find ourselves at your throne of grace.’
God is the strenth of my heart, selah!
I see a statue of a lion representing Britian. It is cold, hard and grey, but God says ’so I can breathe into you, Britain, and give you life.’
I see nurses running along very busy in hospitals and a lot of sickness, so it is a sick nation but God says I can bring it to health.
I see a bubble or a balloon burst and Britian is deflated - yet God says I can turn that around and bring you back to your feet.
I see a goalie looking dejected after an own goal – yet God can turn this around for the better.
The following is I think alternatives if Britain does not repent -
I see convoys of lorries moving slowly coming to the nation with fruit and vegetables because I think there is some sort of blight here meaning this fruit and veg needs shipped in from overseas.
I see clean water shortages because of pollution/and stinking cesspits and impure rain falling on the water cannot make it pure. I see a lot of rain going on that is polluted rain.
I see the apron string cut across the North Sea and the supply of something cut to Britian to cause it hardship.
I see the Bank of England and there are major problems and interest rates or inflation.
I see people (politicians) at a table negociating and they are drumming their fingers as Britian has poor bargaining power with other nations.
I see people harvesting grain barrels which are near empty and also the oil barrels are near gone.
I see strange fires – like gas flames – and parts of the country are alight with these strange fires coming from the grounds as if it is gas alight and burning. Lots of blackness and darkness and smoke.
I see children shuffling along a corridor, being pushed from behind by the youngest. (Symbolically meaning a younger nation/s can now bully the former boss, Britain.) It is all around the wrong way now. The ‘children’ stare ahead to nothing. There is bleakness.
I see a car scrapheap so the car industry gone downhill.
I see bread but mouldy bread (money) and it is stale – problems in economy. I see jobless lining up up in big lines outside job centres – and benefits have to be cut as cannot afford to do it otherwise, it would cripple the country and there is a bad economic depression.
I keep hearing the song ‘I’ll Stand By You’ by Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders – not all the words can be understood as being God speaking but the gist is right, but it is conditional if we come to Him. If we don’t then we can be sure judgment will fall on this nation. God does not want this to happen. He is begging, cajoling, entreating us to let Him remove this ‘curse’ from us. This is why he has warned Britain through his servant, a prophet, in order that he can remove this and bless us and prosper us. Let Him! Let God! Be like the Ninevites and choose life. Choose life, Britain! Choose Life! May God help us, choose life.
Why you look so sad
tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me, now
Be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
Cause I’ve seen the dark side, too
When the night falls on you
You don’t know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less
I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
If you’re mad, get mad
don’t hold it all inside
come on and talk to me now
what you got to hide
I get angry too,
Well I’m a lot like you
When you’re standing at the crossroads
And don’t know which path to choose
Let me come along
Cause even if you’re wrong
I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I’ll never desert you
I’ll stand by you.
And when
When the night falls on you baby
You’re feelin’ all alone
You won’t be on your own
I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
and I’ll never desert you
I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you.’
Prophecy for Britain ends and moves to the America, as it is planned attacks on the ‘twin’ nations.
I saw New York and saw people help survivors get off boats at the landing stage near the Statue of Liberty - they were bloody and had torn clothing and were holding bandages to cuts on their heads, and the USA flag was tattered and at half mast symbollically nearby. NY had been attacked by terrorists again.
I saw the apple tree struck and like a fountain it spurted the apples about 8 differant ways, and there were eight differant landings for the apples – so I understand there to be about 8 differant targets in the USA. This is in addition to the UK attacks.
I saw New York, and some buildings sunk down into the ground (as if the ground opened up and it sunk underground, that sort of sinking rather than tumbling down to the ground).
I saw all-American apple pie laid out on a red and white check tablecloth so I knew God was talking about the USA. I saw what looked like a giant drill spiral down into the earth in NY, like it screwed down and down to below the ground level.
I saw a Moslem headress on the head of a sword headed pointed to the USA. I have seen this twice on two differant occasions. It means a Moslem attack is coming to the USA but I understood it would be a bit differant to that planned on the UK because of logistics etc.
I wondered how they could fly planes over protected airspace again, and saw the ‘terrorists’ on dark helicopters flying low over the waters and bridges and harbour of what looked like NY and then dropping things in attack. This reminds me now as I write this of the helicopter I saw over London.
I saw people picking American blueberries, this was bitter fruit being reaped by the USA for past deeds.
I saw Arab’s fingernails filthy with embedded dirt like they have been burrowing like moles under the ground. I felt they were doing something bad underground of NY, like possibly with gas pipelines. (I also found out the other day that this is how terrorists are getting in through tunnels under the border of Mexico/the USA.)
I see Arabs fill their cars with gas from petrol pumps - Americans call this petrol ‘gas’ - and I realised there was intention to use chemical ‘gas’ for weapons in attacks.
I saw the flying sword going towards USA dripping with ‘gas’ and so there would be attacks using gas coming from the Moslems.
I saw gas canisters attack go squirt squirt spraying and then I see the rain falling to the ground like lit sparks from a firework.
I saw a ladybird which was called a ‘ladybug’ (American spelling but also emphasising the ‘bug’ part of diseases/chemicals?) – with about 8 black spots on it – but it was flying upside down and these dark spots were used for dark purposes like they were full of something nasty to pour out down below. Did not understand this til I did a google search and found out that cute little ladybirds are into chemical warfare against their preditors.
Q: What should I prophesy to President George W Bush?
A: Isaiah 6:9-10
“Go and tell this people:
” ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’
Make the heart of this people calloused;
make their ears dull
and close their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed.”
I hear part of the song America the Beautiful. ‘God shed his grace on thee’ . I see apple pie culture nicey nicey on the outside and cleancut and wholesome and then see lots of cute looking Miss Tigglewinkles. God says that US is a nation of hedgehogs – that is it is defensive far too much against other countries.
I see coka cola consumerism, greed, trampling on other nations to get what they want. I see Levi (jeans) which is their high priest of consumerism which consumes their religion.
I see justice scales very shaky and poorly balanced so unfairness and inequality (for outside and inside the nation) and dissatisfaction among their own people – an unbalanced society – that leads to tension and trouble.
I see the glut of consumerism.
I see a telephone call coming from God on a red phone (the war phone at White House)
Yes God? It is answered.
Then I see a plague of locusts coming. (the Moslem attacks)
I see a smoking chimney stack very high collapsing – it was much too tall so it collapsed – so with the economy, it will collapse. God says though He could drain away all the national debt which is piled high (spiritually).
I see the nation of America being given a jumper (sweater) to wear from God – it is a Faroe pattern – so ‘Pharoah’ will be sent by God to bring God’s judgment against America.
I see angry Moslems with Ms on their foreheads for Mohammed but the M knits their brown in anger.
I see construction going on at a building site (representing the USA nation) but with stuff only half built. It thinks it is a Christian nation built and solidly established, but it is not built up right and has far to go. The foundations have fallen – sunken – as not built on solid rock.
America, God gave himself to thee – but you did not give yourself to God. You pay Him lip service but you are far from Him, and instead with your lips you injest gluttinous consumerism, greed and pride. Sinful lips, arrogant at heart speaking boastful words.
We are the head and not the tail you whoop.
Yet the dark tail (another nation) will whoop you and whip you and turn around and beat you in the head! (I see it coming in the same semi circular pattern as the locusts/storms in the other visions I have seen posted on this site here: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2007/08/04/the-glassblower-a-vision-for-the-end-times-church/). Another nation or people of that nation will whip you because of your arrogance and injustices. I see it strike America’s face. Not once, not twice, but many times like maybe eight times. The dark tail = dark nation and the whipping = weapons strikes.
Sound the alarm but catch them sleeping. I see 5am on an alarm clock, and outside it is early dawn and grey skies. Against these grey skies I see ‘planes’ above in the sky. I see they are red against the sky. (This may be symbolic as it reminds me of the ladybird.) I hear them buzzing and it reminds me of the ladybug with the eight spots with chemical warfare.
I see a location xxx (deleted).
I see a hoard of locusts in multiple locations with gas canisters/bombs/chemical weapons attached to them. I see specifically how they come. (details not posted)
I see walls around Washington capital – build up your walls, build up your walls of spiritual defences through prayer and maybe other activity.
Somebody from government is examing the trueness of a diamond with an eyeglass, examine it and see it is true – so with testing these words to see if they are true. I see a yoghurt pot - it is full of live bacteria which although you cannot see with the naked eye it is there nonetheless, but you must use a miscroscope to see it. Things that are obvious can be hidden from plain sight. But the man who seeks them is a wise one.
I see a flower in a garden – a large one growing against a wall. This flower is America but has got too big = too proud and arrogant. It will start keeling over as it is too big and too close to the wall. I see 8 locusts attacking the flower.
I asked where the other targets were. I am debating whether to post the specific answers to this on the net but will pass it onto counter terror organisations.
Moslems attacking a place they understood was called ‘Babylon’ which looks like New York. That seems to get hit much worse than the other location. I do not think it is just above ground attacks.
I see the specific modus operandi for the terrorists, their weapons and how they get there and how the cities are more vulnerable which is not posted. I will pass onto security forces if they will listen.
I see a dog barking at prowlers in the backyard so either listen to these barks of warning or do not, but do not blame the guard dog if the prowler attacks.
Q: Can this be averted?
A: I see a saw blade. The teeth on it are sharp and cutting. How can it hold back?
Q: What about Nineveh and their repentance?
A: Repentance and prayer can limit the scope and the effects of this
Q But not its entirity?
A: No
Q: Nothing can be done? Not even if Bush repented etc?
A: Their sin is too great
Q: But surely no sin is too great? You forgive the most evil of sinners if they repent. Why not on a corporate scale?
A: Sin still has consequences and America must be humbled.
I got this lots of times - John 12:14, Isaiah 6:10, Mark 4:12 , Isaiah 6:9-10
Psalm 91: God in whom we trust protects us from all sorts of attack, yet the USA have wilfully and arrogantly removed that protection (displayed by removing the motto ‘in God we trust’ from their coinage, although it has gone on for much longer than that) and these are the consequences of not trusting God.
Psalm 91 - if you read it through is a psalm speaking of God’s protection of those that love Him from attack, disease, pestilence. This protection though is conditional. If people do not honor God then they cannot rely on this protection being there upon themselves or upon their nation.
God is assuredly our fortress and for generations he has been America’s fortess. Even though America for a long time has not truly honoured God or loved Him or trusted Him he has kept his protection there for them, he has kept his promises to previous generations and kept them from attack.
However his patience has now run out and the time for judgment to be poured out has come (unless perhaps America come to their knees and repents).
God’s judgment is not being poured out just because the people remove the logo ‘in God we trust’ from the American coinage or don’t have public prayers in schools etc etc. No, this is but a sign of their continued arrogance and a sign of the contempt for which they have held God for a long time now, and God is referring to the removing of ‘In God we trust’ as a sign only, and saying ‘See you no longer truly want me. You publically acknowledge this. So I will remove my protection and make it known.’ God’s judgment is being poured out for the arrogance, greed, lukewarmness etc and the grievous sin America has commited against other nations.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge—then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
Because he loves me, says the LORD, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation
Isaiah 5 – whole passage is appropiate.
Isaiah 5, the song of the vineyard, I felt much of this can be referred to America, running right through to the scripture in Isaiah 6 about being ever hearing but never percieving etc. (I know this is not its original context as it was originally for Israel and speaking about their being take into exile etc, but nonetheless it is a very accurate description I think for the USA in these days and God’s coming judgment and his reasons.)
Please read Isaiah 5 through: all of it. The vineyard (America in this case) yielded only bad fruit. God did everything he could for it, he gave it wealth and prosperity, he carefully tended it, he gave it servants and prophets, he was patient and waited. Yet the country did not act righteously or love justice - ‘And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress’ - and it was greedy, gluttinous and self-centred. It was sinful and arrogant. It had no regard for God or his works. ‘They have harps and lyres at their banquets, tambourines and flutes and wine, but they have no regard for the deeds of the LORD, no respect for the work of his hands.’
Therefore God would send disaster, hunger and draught (the land only yielding a tenth of what it did due to pestilence etc) so ‘the eyes of the arrogant (are) humbled’. He would also send a foreign nation to bring judgment on this land - in this case the land the Lord ‘whistles’ to is the Moslem terrorists. The Moslems are as Pharoah or Babylon in bringing God’s judgement. They are the locusts Joel saw.
(v20 onwards
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.
Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks,
who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent.
Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the LORD Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Therefore the LORD’s anger burns against his people; his hand is raised and he strikes them down. The mountains shake, and the dead bodies are like refuse in the streets.
Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away, his hand is still upraised.
He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily!
Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal thong is broken.
Their arrows are sharp, all their bows are strung; their horses’ hoofs seem like flint, their chariot wheels like a whirlwind.
Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no-one to rescue.
In that day they will roar over it like the roaring of the sea. And if one looks at the land, he will see darkness and distress; even the light will be darkened by the clouds.
’Jesus…Kings and kingdoms may soon pass away but there’s something about that name.’ The world is not eternal, but Jesus is. Put your trust in him, and not a nation.
I see the USA flag with bullet holes shot into it one by one, and they go across it from side to side, one bullet for each attack – about 8.
Behind the ripped USA flag I see a dark evil looking eagle looking on, which is the predator from the sky and its beak is a weapon and it looks to me like an aerosol - which I later found out is a way to dispurse a chemical or biological weapon. I had no way of knowing this naturally.
It goes to feed 8 black chicks –so there are about 8 attacks/places.
Reminded of the weapon striking the apple tree and apples spurting out 8 differant ways like a fountain.
Downwind from strike zone, indicating this will be chemical/biological airborne danger too.
I see how the nest of the eaglet chicks is more vulnerable to attack. (not posted)
Reminded also that the attacks on the usa would use a differant strategy than that of the UK cos of stategic reasons.
I also saw an archer’s board or dartboard and then I saw 8 arrows with sucker caps on them fired, and they each landed in a line across the board (the USA nation).
I also know that some people despite what they claim incredibly want these attacks to occur. One vision I saw was of a man dressed as a beekeeper, wearing a boilersuit, boots and the hooded veil, and he was deliberately unzipping his protective suit to allow the swarm inside his outfit which was a very strange thing indeed. (The bees were the plague of locusts or terrorists attacking America.) He who has ears let him hear to what the Spirit is saying.
As I write, I am reminded of the vision I had a few weeks ago, where I saw a white sheet drop down from the heavens and cover over a whole city - I did not know which city at the time - this sheet was like the cloth they put on dead bodies in the morgue, so a city would be shrouded like this in death by a disaster/catastrophe of some sort).
All your fortresses are like fig trees
with their first ripe fruit;
when they are shaken,
the figs fall into the mouth of the eater. (Nahum 3:12)
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)
I am not an American by birth, but nonetheless consider myself a ‘patriot’. For all its sin, I love America. I will happily supply the full and unedited transcripts of these visions to American counter terror experts, as well as assist them (or the UK) in any way I can if I am asked. However more than me, remember the Lord your God, and call on Him now and in that Day as he is the one with the power to save and to heal and to protect you.
God Bless America, land that I love……but America you MUST repent in order to be blessed.
Morten Tobiaz
Et tips til dere som skriver lange ting på engelsk her: Bruk gjerne http://www.google.com/translate_t for å oversette til norsk. Dette fungerer riktignok bare for tekster inntil en viss lengde, men en kan jo dele det opp.
Jeg kan være enig med anno2008nym her.
Godt tips du kom med, forresten.
Vi burde kanskje være flinkere til å bruke hodet mer og ta noen utfordringer, sålenge det er et viktig budskap, men du så mye tid det tar og lese for oss som ikke er veldig flinke i engelsk.
Synd, for det er sikkert mye viktig av budskapet en kan gå glipp av, som denne.
Vi orker ikke alt.
Wenche Johanne
Beklager folkens. Skulle oversatt den. Skal ta den ekstra jobben neste gang. Ser også at den ble litt vel lang her. Den eneste grunnen til at jeg postet den (sel om ikke den omhandler Norge direkte) er at den er så utrolig konkret og en god del av tingene er allerede i ferd med å skje.
Guds fred venner.
Morten Tobiaz
For og holde oss litt her i Norge: i dag, 11. juni, skal det stemmes over en ny ekteskapslov på stortinget.
Ellers med tanke på brottsjø og stormer over Norge, hvor går vi hen , les nyheter fra i går;-
en 90-åring, en mann, har blitt stukket til døde av en kvinne på 33under et ran!
Når begynte vi og lemleste og drepe så gamle mennesker i dette landet? ( Ja, jeg er klar over at det har vært en utvikling i den retningen i helsesektoren på noen sykehjem under noen år, i den tiden som Norge ble rik på gods og gull av oljepenger)
Men allikevel, det er litt spesiellt, og er alarmerende.
Norge er også et land, et fristed for kriminelle som handler med mennesker, bedriver menneskehandel og hvor unge menn og kvinner som har vært offer for menneskehandel og kriminalitet, er tvunget til prostitusjon.
Og vi skal leke messias ute i den store verden og fremstå som verdens frelser, med sånne problemer?
Jeg begynner og forstå , har egentlig hatt en ekkel følelse lenge, at dette landet og nasjonen ligger tynt an.
Ja, det er bare mer bønn som kan hjelpe her, måtte jeg selv bli en av de som Gud reiser opp til det, og vidre be om at fler og fler blir det!
Wenche J.
Takk for dine meget interessante spørsmål, Wenche J, om den lutherske kirke og reformasjonen.
I en utmerket liten bok, "Kirkens tro. En kort innføring i den lutherske trosforståelse" skriver forfatteren Brynjar Haraldsø:
"De lutherske på reformasjonstiden ville ikke være eller danne noe nytt kirkesamfunn. Når de ble en evangelisk-luthersk kirke, så var det fordi de ikke ble tålt i kirken, og fordi misbrukene ikke ble fjernet. I dagens virkelighet er det fortsatt luthersk holdning å føre videre den kirkelære som hører til den alminnelige kirke."
Jeg har i en tidligere artikkel skrevet om de kontaktene som fantes mellom kretsen rundt Luther og den ortodokse kirke. Fra lutheranernes side ønsket man at kirken skulle vende tilbake til den udelte kirkes tro.
Jeg deler ditt syn på at det var Romerkirkens vranglære som forårsaket splittelsen i kirken. Det en del mener når de snakker om at reformasjonen ikke ble fullført, har vel sammenheng med at den lutherske kirken ikke ble en fri kirke, men knyttet til staten og at den ikke vendte tilbake til sine urkristne røtter.
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